Netanyahu has defended Hitler so it’s not like he doesn’t have a track record.
The spiritual predecessor of his party actively tried to ally with the Nazi’s during WW2.
I’d like to read more about this. Explain?
Believing that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis, proposing a Jewish state based on “nationalist and totalitarian principles, and linked to the German Reich by an alliance”.
Yitzhak Shamir was one of the leaders of Lehi, who went on to become the 7th PM of Israel. He joined Herut who merged into Likud, and served as leader of the Likud before Netanyahu.
Shockingly, it’s not even the most bat shit insane idea possible. One of the Nazi’s preliminary ideas for “what to do with the Jewish population of europe” was simply mass exile, I believe Madagascar was their favorite. But, had the campaign for North Africa gone differently, they coulda been the ones to set up the Israeli state. Who knows what the ramifications of that would have been, but it’s hard to imagine it being better for the local inhabitants in the short term.
Madagascar was chosen because the Nazis knew it couldn’t sustain the population and they’d starve to death.
The plan was extermination. Always.
What people have to accept now is that it is not 1930, and modern Nazis are less worried about Jewish people in particular than “whiteness” and restablishing a patriarchy.
Further, the ones who still adhere to anti-semitic ideas quite like the idea of gathering all Jewish people into a Zionist state for the same reason they liked the Madagascar plan:
It’s easier to slaughter them that way compared to a diaspora. A notion they share with certain members of Hezbollah as it happens.
Ah yes, because a video of a Nazi salute isn’t antisemetic but a jewish college student protesting apartheid and wearing a keffiyeh is! What a time to be alive!
What a time to be alive
I wonder what life would have been like to at least just not know that there are so many evil people out there. I’m jealous of that.
I feel like I’m stuck in a spot where I feel ignorant if I tune out but depressed as fuck if I don’t.
Don’t get exhausted before the real fight, otherwise we’re doomed. I better start seeing more of ya’ll taking the day off work and risking your salary to stop Nazi’s, otherwise you might as well be one yourself.
Dude what the fuck. This is not how you encourage action.
Okay, keep working for your salary and don’t show up to protests, see what happens. You’ll either fight them eventually or take their side to pay the bills.
Of course a Fascists would help another fascist.