Do this but with RockAuto. You have to pay shipping but the stuff is 1/3 of the price (from my experience) than the parts stores for the same brand part.
Nah, don’t get it there.
$5 at AliExpress, where the vendor at Jeff’s sources it
The other day a friend went to a physical bookstore to buy a book (support your locals). The book was out of stock but no problem, they could order it for her. The other day she went to pick it up, it was still in the Amazon envelope lol.
I bought a silicone soldering mat on ebay a few months ago, deliberately bought it on ebay to avoid Amazon. It was delievered by Amazon, in an Amazon envelope, the ebay seller had just used their Prime to have it delivered to my address, and charged an extra couple dollars over the Amazon price. Wasn’t very happy about it, but what a hustle that person is running.
That would’ve pissed me off, and I would’ve contacted eBay support and gotten it refunded. I dont use eBay to buy shit off amazon.
I hope you left a review stating that. Plenty of people trying to avoid drop ship scams are still getting drop ship scams because no one is willing to write a review about it. Had a similar thing on Etsy where the person put pics up of their more expensive work and obvious derivatives from wish etc. asking you to support them, the OG artist, then they just shipped the wish version. I wrote a truthful (negative) review and they offered a full refund, but it was obviously a scam so I left the review up and got a refund anyway. If anyone else had added a lm honest review I would have steered clear, but I guess people just aren’t motivated enough. I have no idea if all the positive reviews were bots, or if at some point they were actually selling a high quality product, but it really sucks trying to support independent artists and getting scammed. Just to be clear, I ALWAYS reverse image search, and they were the only one with what I thought I was buying.