It was heavily implied in my school that gender dysphoria is a choice…
I would’ve responded “well so is school”.
“Evolution is wrong. They will never find the missing link”.
In the interceding 30 years the hominid family try has filled in quite a bit. Many closely related mammals have existed.
You have a wonderful mind. Too bad you never use it.
Fuck you Pat Fisher.
That I would never amount to anything and always be 10 steps behind my peers.
Believed that for a long time. Eat shit Mary.
Not very important but I remember it strangely well.
I was 8 years old. My teacher asked “What is one hundred times one hundred?”
I raised my hand and said “Ten thousand!”
“No, it’s one thousand. Ten times ten is one hundred, and one hundred times one hundred is one thousand.”
“But… It’s ten thousand. Can I show you on a calculator?”
“No! Sit down, it’s one thousand. I’m the teacher, I should know.”
I later got a calculator and showed her and she didn’t apologise.
If she was the math teacher, that should cost her the role.
One of my teachers told me that RL Stine died and for 20 years I believed her.
He’s in his 80’s right now. He seems to have made it this far just to show off to that teacher.
“With a mind like yours, you’re going to have no problem getting ahead in life”
What was the holdup that ended up preventing you from getting ahead?
Cripling anxiety and despair.
Isn’t a single teacher or statement. But how I was generally treated by the institution.
I am somewhere on the spectrum and/or have some kind of learning disability that makes the formal learning environment very hard for me.
I was tested as a kid back in the 80’s, but they said I didn’t score bad enough to be diagnosed and that I was just slow essentially.
So the school system stuck me at a desk in the back corner of the classrooms with a divider between me and the the rest of the room and more or less treated me like a leper.
Whatever the official diagnosis, I ended up getting into computers and turns out I am really good at it. So now I make a six figure income doing something I am interested in.
The experience ingrained in me a deep hatred for formalized education, especially when it comes to my son (who is officially diagnosed as autistic). I have a very hard time taking anything my kids teachers say seriously and as anything more than the rantings of a narrow minded fool. Thankfully, my wife being the wonderful person that she is keeps me in check with that. And reminds me not to think my experience at my backwater school was the norm. And I think she has been right this far thankfully.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
I’m really sorry you went through that and really happy you’ve found success!
We had a teacher that said phones could give you cancer due to radiation and the classic 5G causes X conspiracy theories. Certainly wasn’t the worst teacher imo though.
“Respect your elders, because they are always right”
alt text
Post by stimmyabby:
Sometimes people use “respect” to mean “treating someone like a person” and sometimes they use “respect” to mean “treating someone like an authority”
and sometimes people who are used to being treated like an authority say “if you won’t respect me I won’t respect you” and they mean “if you won’t treat me like an authority I won’t treat you like a person”
and they think they’re being fair but they aren’t, and it’s not okay.
End of post.
Reply post by do-as-youre-told:
This is so well put I am stunned
Source: flyingpurplepizzaeater
End of reply post.
deleted by creator
Don’t think you don’t amount to anything. You come off as a nice person, the best kind of person. I think of it like this; if you were a loser (and you’re not), those two are cheaters. One’s biggest fear should be becoming “professionals” like them.
This one is funny, I innocently listened to Motley Crue when I was about 12, Girls Girls Girls in particular. You know that lyric about the menage a trois? There was no Internet in those days, so I just thought I’d ask my French teacher. She covered a smile and told me it meant three people were living in a house together.
I had a teacher tell me women couldn’t get hemophilia because it’s a sex-linked gene. True enough, but it’s on the X chromosome, and what do you suppose happens if a woman has that gene on both of them… I lost points on a test because of that.
This was before the internet, so I couldn’t easily find answers to prove he was wrong.
Fun fact, the second X chromosome is just a sitting duck. Once a body develops the first one, unless a Y chromosome is also in order, the body has already completed the parts of the blueprint it needs to live a long and stable life. This is where Turner Syndrome, a form of Down Syndrome or intersexuality where someone has only one X chromosome and no Y chromosome or second X chromosome, comes from, and people with Turner Syndrome can live their whole lives not knowing they have it (the opposite is actually true with the Y chromosome, where if you only have Y chromosomes and no X chromosomes, you die in stillbirth).
Brazilian here - once had an english teacher call xadrez, the chess game, “checkers” (to be fair to her, “xadrez” could mean either the game or a checkered texture, but the game of checkers is what we call “damas”). She also called bolinhos (muffins) doughnuts (or “dou-go-nu-ty”, as she spoke), and rosquinhas (doughnuts) muffins. I called out that she got the two mixed up, she ignored me.
She was a terrible teacher. She even forgot to put the correct text for an exam once, I asked her about the text during the exam and she just said “if you read it, you’ll find (the answers)” - it took another kid bringing the same point for her to bother reading the exam she prepared and realizing she fucked up.
“Medieval armies didn’t use crossbows when attacking castles.”
My hand immediately shot up. “What are you talking about? Of course they did.”
My elderly history teacher replied “no, they didn’t.”
Me “Why do you think that?”
Her “because crossbows fire in a straight line so they would just shoot over the castle.”
I looked at my classmates, hoping they would see how insane this is. They were looking at me like I grew a second head.
Me “that’s not true. At all.”
Her, getting slightly annoyed, “how do you know?”
Me “well for one, I’ve fired a crossbow, I know how they work. For two, they had GRAVITY BACK THEN, the bolt comes back down!”
Her, and some of the class “ooooh!”
Her “well anyway…” And continues the lesson.
This was a college class.
LOL, show her 300.
“We will fight in the shade!”
I’m reading this and think, “Oh man… I wish I had shot a cross bow in 4th grade.”
This was a college class.
Ugh. Wait! Do 4th graders go to college… No. No they don’t.
Well, I grew up doing medieval reenactment so my crossbow experience was from about the 4th grade, so there’s that.
Did she think the arrow would just… fly in space for all eternity and never come down or something?
Yes, apparently.
“I think you’ll find that crossbows are a hitscan weapon 😏”
Lmao I guess nobody uses guns to take a fortress either.
They at least sound chiller than the people in the other examples.
I think it was the senility and the tenure