I’m looking for the right lemmy community to ask a question about high quality USB-C or thunderbolt cables.
After my 3rd replacement Anker cable usb-c cable I’d really like to get cables that can last a few hundred cycles and I need a recommendation. What community can I ask that in?
Etc. any community is fine, Lemmy is small enough that everybody will see it anyway
Ask Lemmy is not the appropriate place to ask Lemmy about Lemmy specific enquiries the proper place is Ask Lemmy About Lemmy where you can ask Lemmy questions about Lemmy and they will be answered. Ask Lemmy will not answer anything you ask Ask Lemmy about Lemmy and will only answer what you ask Lemmy that is not about Lemmy so try to only ask Lemmy about Lemmy on Ask Lemmy about Lemmy and not ask on Ask Lemmy. Thanks.