They’ll just be carefully highlighted locations when you’re looking at a larger map, so the random buildings that get labeled in the more zoomed out views are chosen carefully.
It gets better, when you search for “restaurants near me” the order won’t be organic but “pay to win”
So “restaurant chain #5” will be at the top even if you hate their food.
When has a company ever shown itself to show restraint once it heads down the monetization train? And isn’t Apple’s premium price point that it isn’t ad infested like Android or Microsoft?
Yeah they won at capitalism. But it’s so crazy that because of stock price expectations even they won’t ever come to the finish line. It’s never good enough no matter how much they make. The ceiling just keeps going up and up and up.
It will be annoying when you search for “Wings” and a restaurant shows up which is 30 miles away because it’s being promoted and is probably just a bar which sells wings and not a wings only place like Wingstop. This is how the App Store search works and that’s why I refuse to go to the app to search anything. I don’t know how you can say these types of search results are good for anyone. The top app/ search result is completely irrelevant and takes up space. It’s only beneficial for Apple.
So I don’t actually mind this.
And odds are good you won’t notice them.
They’ll just be carefully highlighted locations when you’re looking at a larger map, so the random buildings that get labeled in the more zoomed out views are chosen carefully.
It gets better, when you search for “restaurants near me” the order won’t be organic but “pay to win”
So “restaurant chain #5” will be at the top even if you hate their food.
Not really awful as far as advertising goes.
You understand why advertising when it isn’t clearly labeled as such is worse, right?
Yes, that’s not great, so ideally there’s an asterisk showing this…
But if you look at the playing field as out exists today in advertising….
It’s not really useable to change political beliefs or support authoritarianism.
It’s not tracking you explicitly.
It’s not profiling you.
It’s relevant to what you’re already looking for
There aren’t many scams you can run with it (except the locksmith scam)
Soooooo, if I have to accept advertising, this feels on the tamer end.
But I agree, it should be upfront.
Apple do have a history of putting “Ad” next to anything that is an advertisement so hopefully they continue with that design pattern.
and it’s common practice on other services like Yelp with sponsored results.
When has a company ever shown itself to show restraint once it heads down the monetization train? And isn’t Apple’s premium price point that it isn’t ad infested like Android or Microsoft?
You’re not wrong, but I’d really like to pretend that you are.
I might have more faith in them if they weren’t a publicly traded company always having the expectation of exponential growth.
That is EXACTLY the issue.
Yeah they won at capitalism. But it’s so crazy that because of stock price expectations even they won’t ever come to the finish line. It’s never good enough no matter how much they make. The ceiling just keeps going up and up and up.
It will be annoying when you search for “Wings” and a restaurant shows up which is 30 miles away because it’s being promoted and is probably just a bar which sells wings and not a wings only place like Wingstop. This is how the App Store search works and that’s why I refuse to go to the app to search anything. I don’t know how you can say these types of search results are good for anyone. The top app/ search result is completely irrelevant and takes up space. It’s only beneficial for Apple.
Yep, I can agree with that. Not ideal
Downvoted for having an opinion. Rip in peace
Yeah people like to downvote things that they don’t agree with even if it’s a decent point.
Oh well, at least I don’t base my self-worth on internet points. 😝
I’m not sure you’re being downvoted for people not agreeing, per se.
I think you’re being downvoted for coming across as a little misguided on your theory.
Doesn’t this defeat the purpose of advertisers advertising if people ain’t going to notice them.
Disclaimer: I use an iPhone and Apple Maps.