Always keep a couple crackheads. Also, make sure you filter your crackheads. You want the ones who’ll help you clean your garage for $10, not the ones who will clean out your garage for about $10 down at the pawn shop.
Promote a positive environment, help turn the crackden into a crackhome.
What a dehumanizing way to talk about homeless people :/
People you know, and yourself, could become homeless tomorrow. This dehumanization leads to violence against homeless people.
They’re people too and they deserve a place to be. The solution to homelessness is not just moving them to another side of town, but among other things reducing the cost of apartments and houses.
Gotta fire some rent control rounds into the air… it’s all about #balance
If you’re going to do this, use blanks or shotgun with birdshot. That way you’re not raining lead on some unsuspecting person a mile or so away and birdshot is just small bbs that don’t have a high terminal velocity.
There are some radical left-wing neighborhoods in Germany, that try to keep rents low by shooting into the air with blank firearms