yes, not a unix os but rather unix-like, and i want to program all of it on python, is that possible?? even the kernel, i want it all python. i know most kernels use c++ or c* but maybe python has a library to turn c* into python?? i’m still sort of a beginner but thanks and i would appreciate the answers

    2 months ago

    While I get your point that Python is often not the most appropriate language to write certain parts of an OS, I have to object to the supposed necessity of C. In particular, the bolded claim that an OS not written in C is still going to have C involved.

    Such an OS could instead have written its non-native parts using assembly. And while C was intentionally designed to be similar to assembly, it is not synonymous with assembly. OS authors can and do write assembly when even the C language cannot do what they need, and I gave an example of this in my comment.

    The primacy of C is not universal, and has a strong dependency on the CPU architecture. Indeed, there’s a history of building machines which are intended for a specific high-level language, with Lisp Machines being one of the most complex – since Lisp still has to be compiled down to some sort of hardware instructions. A modern example would be Java, which defines the programming language as well as the ISA and byte code: embedded Java processors were built, and thus there would have been zero need for C apart from legacy convenience.