I consider Mozilla useless nowadays. It just exist for CEOs and the likes to grab Google’s money while asking for donations. They aren’t contributing anything significant. And yes, FF is slow as fuck and plainly unusable on Android. I didn’t mention Google anywhere in my comment.
This simply isn’t true. FF on Android is fine and allows you to use tons of extensions for far more things than ad blocking, such as the wonderful Consent-O-Matic that automatically deals with cookie popups for you. Huge timesaver on mobile.
I consider Mozilla useless nowadays. It just exist for CEOs and the likes to grab Google’s money while asking for donations. They aren’t contributing anything significant. And yes, FF is slow as fuck and plainly unusable on Android. I didn’t mention Google anywhere in my comment.
This simply isn’t true. FF on Android is fine and allows you to use tons of extensions for far more things than ad blocking, such as the wonderful Consent-O-Matic that automatically deals with cookie popups for you. Huge timesaver on mobile.