The Sony Bravia I have now is the first Android device I have ever owned. It is also, coincidentally, the first TV I have had to hard reboot on a regular basis because the HDMI stack keeps crashing.
I have never and will never allow this thing to go online.
If you factory reset your Bravia and then decline all the Google features (don’t sign in, etc.) it’s about as close to a dumb TV as you can get these days.
The Sony Bravia I have now is the first Android device I have ever owned. It is also, coincidentally, the first TV I have had to hard reboot on a regular basis because the HDMI stack keeps crashing.
I have never and will never allow this thing to go online.
I have a Bravia, and the picture is second to none. Better than any other I’ve seen, including other OLEDs…
But holy shit is the software slow. Fuck “smart” TVs
I guess nothing’s changed then haha. I have a 2015 LCD Bravia. No longer my main TV, but it’s been awesome.
But the delay between turning it on and being able to switch inputs… Jesus.
If you factory reset your Bravia and then decline all the Google features (don’t sign in, etc.) it’s about as close to a dumb TV as you can get these days.