Hey guys, up to a few days ago it was working fine, i.e. it wouldn’t go to sleep ever. But probably some update or something else changed and now after 13 minutes my pc goes to sleep.

I read the power management/suspend page in the arch wiki, and now have the following:

# /etc/systemd/sleep.conf

as well as:

# /etc/systemd/logind.conf

(that last one I dont remember where I got it from)

I tried masking systemd targets, but after waiting without touching anything it still went to sleep after 12-13 minutes.

$ systemctl mask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target

Notice in the command below I have xfce4-power-manager (though it looks different than on my laptop) but I dont see it in control of sleep itself, but rather upower and NetworkManager control sleep.

$ systemd-inhibit
WHO                 UID  USER PID  COMM            WHAT                                                                       WHY                                       MODE
NetworkManager      0    root 734  NetworkManager  sleep                                                                      NetworkManager needs to turn off networks delay
UPower              0    root 1149 upowerd         sleep                                                                      Pause device polling                      delay
xfce4-power-manager 1000 user 1053 xfce4-power-man handle-power-key:handle-suspend-key:handle-hibernate-key:handle-lid-switch xfce4-power-manager handles these events  block

3 inhibitors listed.

I looked at the manual for upower as well as its wiki page but couldn’t see anything about enabling/disabling/handling suspends in any way and after further reading it seems it doesn’t directly handle suspends/hibernates, just informs stuff like systemd about power levels and such.

As for NetworkManager, does it really have the ability to force a suspend?

It gets really annoying when trying to watch a movie, or when I’m afk in a game but still want to keep an eye on it.

Can anyone please help me? Thanks in advance!

System info: Kernel: 6.12.10-arch1-1 DE/WM: bspwm

Edit: Checked both BIOS settings (Couldn’t find anything related to power saving) and the settings for the monitors themselves (no power saving features there either). How would I check to see if it is indeed just the monitors going to sleep, and by extension how would I fix it?

My MoBo: ASUS ROG STRIX B550-F Gaming

  • FruitLips@lemmy.ml
    8 hours ago

    had the same issue on my asus rog- never tried the xfce power manager but solution for me was adding to my ~/.xprofile:

    xset s off -dpms
