I went to college in Breda (HIO at Hogeschool Breda, later known as Avans Hogeschool).
If I were to take the bus from the train station to the school building, I’d have been late to class too often.
I walked to class, those 2km from the station to the school at the Lovendijkstraat. Only when it rained did I take the bus and accepted the fact I’d be marked tardy.
I mean 1 mile is still a 20 min walk or so. A bus can cover it in a couple of minutes and you won’t be exhausted, especially if carrying a heavy bag of books, it’s uphill, it’s raining, it’s snowing, it’s exceptionally hot, there are no sidewalks, you have to detour significantly to cross a body of water, highway, or other hazard, you have a mobility impairment, or you just don’t want to waste 40 minutes of your day walking when you could jump on a bus and spend that time doing other things. Now if it’s a choice of waiting for a bus that only comes every 20-30 min and walking, sure.
I think you’re misunderstanding the idea here: I have a bus pass, but will often walk rather than wait for a bus if the distance is rather short. However, if I’m about to walk somewhere, and see a bus pull up that’s headed where I’m going, I’ll often just hop on-hop off to get where I’m going faster.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I mean. If I pass a busstop and I see that the bus will be there in a few seconds, I’ll take the bus. I roughly know the busschedules around where I work (there’s no bus where I live), so I usually know if a bus is coming by looking at the clock.
In the Netherlands, students get free public transport. If there’s a bus coming that you can use for free, why not?
For 1~2 km? No.
I went to college in Breda (HIO at Hogeschool Breda, later known as Avans Hogeschool).
If I were to take the bus from the train station to the school building, I’d have been late to class too often.
I walked to class, those 2km from the station to the school at the Lovendijkstraat. Only when it rained did I take the bus and accepted the fact I’d be marked tardy.
I mean 1 mile is still a 20 min walk or so. A bus can cover it in a couple of minutes and you won’t be exhausted, especially if carrying a heavy bag of books, it’s uphill, it’s raining, it’s snowing, it’s exceptionally hot, there are no sidewalks, you have to detour significantly to cross a body of water, highway, or other hazard, you have a mobility impairment, or you just don’t want to waste 40 minutes of your day walking when you could jump on a bus and spend that time doing other things. Now if it’s a choice of waiting for a bus that only comes every 20-30 min and walking, sure.
I think you’re misunderstanding the idea here: I have a bus pass, but will often walk rather than wait for a bus if the distance is rather short. However, if I’m about to walk somewhere, and see a bus pull up that’s headed where I’m going, I’ll often just hop on-hop off to get where I’m going faster.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I mean. If I pass a busstop and I see that the bus will be there in a few seconds, I’ll take the bus. I roughly know the busschedules around where I work (there’s no bus where I live), so I usually know if a bus is coming by looking at the clock.
Even 2km in the rain ain’t that bad. It is also less hassle to walk than get an OV fiets for those 2km.
I didn’t know about OV fietsen when I went to college (1999~2005) 😄
But it depends on the type of rain. Torrential rain is horrible, but thankfully pretty rare.