As a game dev some of you, including streamers, are so fucking stupid it hurts. Yellow paint guys just give in to the temptation.
The trend of earmarking every single interactive object in a game with a special colour or tooltip has made hyper-realistic cinematic games less immersive than a lot of PS1 games.
Yes, anon, that sort of instruction is necessary in games. Have you ever read a game’s Steam forum? Those dumb-fuck kids can’t figure out the most basic gameplay mechanics. The vast majority of human beings, the general population, are dumb as fuck. Like, I cannot stress just how fucking stupid they are.
Yeah I’ve played a bunch of them. Games should just do one popup at the beginning “(x) this is my first video game ever” and then only explain mechanics that are new or rare. “Press W / Joystick up to move forward” yeah no shit