So I’ve compared Thunder, Sync, and Voyager. They all report as running at 120fps on my pixel 8 pro, but only sync and voyager actually feel like it.
I’m not sure how to quantify or prove this, but there’s a noticeable feel of microstutter when scrolling through feeds or comments on thunder.
Does anyone else experience this? Thunder is still my favourite of the 3 just because of it’s functionality and features, but would love for it to feel a little better to navigate.
Scrolling isn’t my issue. It’s the lack of direct messaging and other little things like a functioning >!hidden text!< Button that keep me from using it.
It seems fine to me on a Pixel 7 Pro. The only thing I don’t like about scrolling is when there are large pictures in the post body or comments. Scrolling down is fine, but scrolling up to where it has to show an image again causes severe jumps.
Yeah, I’m coming from iOS (mlem) and tried out a bunch of different apps. I picked Thunder on Android cause it has all the features and style I want, but the scrolling and loading of feeds feels not as smooth/fast as other apps.
It’s fine on iOS but the Android app feels very stuttery
I notice the stutter too. Boost is the smoothest for me.
Seems fine to me
Feels smooth on S21U at high refresh rate
Wait nevermind, I just tested it again and I see the stuttering now. I can’t unsee it 😭
Scrolling seems fine to me, but I’m not the most attuned to these things.
I’m on Voyager but I hope you find a solution. That would annoy me quite a bit.