Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke - magical fantasy set in England around 1800, absolutely beautiful imo and one of those books you just live inside while you’re reading it
Note to anyone thinking of picking this up: read it, don’t listen to it. The book layout is meant to mimic a history book, and is filled with footnotes that have a life of their own. 11/10 book, imo. And I believe it took Clarke a solid decade to write because it was such an undertaking, but that work paid off!
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke - magical fantasy set in England around 1800, absolutely beautiful imo and one of those books you just live inside while you’re reading it
Note to anyone thinking of picking this up: read it, don’t listen to it. The book layout is meant to mimic a history book, and is filled with footnotes that have a life of their own. 11/10 book, imo. And I believe it took Clarke a solid decade to write because it was such an undertaking, but that work paid off!