Thank you! Can’t believe it’s been a year already. Wow
Thank you! Can’t believe it’s been a year already. Wow
Two of them, one on each side.
Well, there’s the NASCAR driver Richard Trickle…
Note linking is what did it for me a few years back. It’s possible in OneNote, and clunky as hell.
I was sold the moment I read links can be wiki style in Obsidian.
They just need to be remagnetized.
LoFi Girl if you’re looking for real downtempo background noise. Lived on it when I was doing Uni.
If you’re the patient and organized type, you can download their entire library from their main site. The advantage here is that the livestream gets a little repetitive after a while.
Been listening to for a long time. Groove Salad and Indie Pop Rocks. Sometimes they play really strange stuff on one or the other, so that’s about when I will switch channels.
What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual.
What do you call someone who speaks two languages? Bilingual.
What do you call someone who speaks one language? An American.
You were programmed to say that because I’m the only one that’s real.