• 1 Post
Joined 12 days ago
Cake day: March 11th, 2025

  • Well, if I’m honest I tried to install Win11 before Linux but it was such a pain in the arse I gave up. The installer couldn’t pick up the SSD so I had to download drivers onto USB and install them half way through the wizard. THEN, it wouldn’t pick up the WiFi card so I bypassed that to get the installer to finish, and to top it off, even after I’d installed all the drivers, it still didn’t pick it up, not in the device manager, nowhere, as if it didn’t exist. So I gave up. Linux installed first time and although it’s not quite perfect yet it’s functional enough for me to actually use the flipping thing! Haha

    I’ve installed every Windows since 95 on various machines and never had so much trouble. Win11 is complete crap. And Microsoft are a bunch of dickheads for forcing it when there was literally nothing wrong with Win10.

  • Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this movie. It was incoherent, with far too many ideas and political messages trying to be crammed into it’s run time.

    It would have been better if Mark Ruffalo’s character was either just a politician or just a religious cult leader, although, on reflection, maybe this was commentary on Trump’s seemingly cult like following? Even if it was it didn’t work well in this movie.

    Toni Collete was criminally wasted, her character more or less pointless other than to provide some, initially amusing but quickly tiring comic relief with her obsession with sauces.

    Pattinson put in a good performance as the various Mickeys but none of them were particularly likeable. The exception being M18, who was supposed to be a vicious psychopath, but came across as the only one in the entire film who actually responded anywhere near reasonably to the situations he faced and ultimately proved to be the hero of the piece by offing the main protagonist, sacrificing himself in the process.

    Ultimately, I feel that Mickey 17’s most serious flaw is that it was boring. I felt like there was no sense of peril, despite the situation, minor issues seemed to crop up and then be forgotten about or solved without any real hardship. Several of the twists and turns went nowhere or seemed to happen for no reason (Mickey’s temptation with Gemma for example). At no point did you think, “they might all die”, and it was all just a bit of a lark.

    In summary, strong performances from all the leads (Ruffulo, Collete, Pattinson and Ackie) and strong visual design couldn’t save this film from being incoherent, unfunny and boring.
