Number of times actually drunk: 3 I find it really an unpleasant feeling and not just the hangover. Being drunk and not having complete control of my body, the weird fog in my brain. Yuck… Couple that with the hangover the next day, it’s just not worth it for me. I never saw the point of going out with a group of friends to just get “wasted”.
Current Age: 54 and I enjoy 1 to 2 glasses of wine at dinner with my wife around 3 or 4 times a month. Once in a great while I’ll get a 6 pack of beer. Usually when a local brewery has their Dark Doppleboch out.
First drink? 19
First time actually drunk? 21
Last time drunk? 29
Number of times actually drunk: 3 I find it really an unpleasant feeling and not just the hangover. Being drunk and not having complete control of my body, the weird fog in my brain. Yuck… Couple that with the hangover the next day, it’s just not worth it for me. I never saw the point of going out with a group of friends to just get “wasted”.
Current Age: 54 and I enjoy 1 to 2 glasses of wine at dinner with my wife around 3 or 4 times a month. Once in a great while I’ll get a 6 pack of beer. Usually when a local brewery has their Dark Doppleboch out.