Sadly that not going to work; liquid explosives are a lot less reliable and far more unstable than the stuff they use now. All it takes is a little leak or some crack to set those off. This means manufacturing the mines is significantly more hazardous and transporting them is riskier. You wouldn’tbeable to stockpile them because the explosives would be losing potency from the moment the chemicals were made. Worst of all since they can’t be used to make shaped charges most of the explosive force would go into the ground instead of being directed up and anti tank mines would be impossible.
This isn’t to say self deactivating mines are impossible but every solution I’ve heard is either impractical or could easily be exploited by the enemy.
Alcohol is worse for you than weed. But alcohol is far more harmful for you than many people realise. Being not as bad as Alcohol does not make it good or harmless. However, after many years of very overblown propaganda about the threat of weed the pendulum has swung the other way and no many people falsely believe all talk of the damage weed can do to be propaganda. Here’s a good video explaining the topic; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBRaI0ZeAf8&t=661s&ab_channel=Kurzgesagt–InaNutshell