No, not even close. It’s far too unreliable, without someone who knows what they’re doing to vet the questionable result, AI is a disaster waiting to happen. Never mind it cannot go fix a computer or server or any physical issue.
Before you ask, the accent varies based on diet.
No, not even close. It’s far too unreliable, without someone who knows what they’re doing to vet the questionable result, AI is a disaster waiting to happen. Never mind it cannot go fix a computer or server or any physical issue.
I manually corrected mine with Mint, 10/10, do recommend.
Idk, I’ve seen a variety of ideological views here but I suppose it also depends on what magazines you’re subscribing to.
People are usually a lot less toxic here, conversations are more civil.
Best way is use Linux.
Businesses and institutions need VPNs to function. Getting rid of them would be an absolute disaster.
I feel like Batman is showing some kid his dong.
Not sure if that even makes it better, still looks pretty messed up.
Not even a great search engine.