Kill all the chickens before humans had the chance to domesticate them
Eternals should have been an 8-10 episode series which each episode focusing on one or two characters
65, a movie where humanoid aliens crash land on earth in the time of the dinosaurs and get out right before the asteroid hits. It’s a generic survival/monster movie where dinosaurs are just obstacles in the way of the heroes escaping the planet. The movie should have shown the beautiful parts of the Dinosaur world and we should have been sad when they’re wiped out at the end.
Because doing good isn’t supposed to be with the goal of being rewarded, it’s supposed to be to help make other people’s lives better. When you help someone by giving them a ride somewhere, it doesn’t make much of a difference to the universe but it makes a difference to that person in that moment
I also saw her more recently in Black Mirror. To be fair, I’m really bad with faces and different hair probably threw me
I used to watch Hannah Montana every Saturday. Miley Cyrus now looks unrecognizable to me
In my personal opinion, the show went off the rails in season 2. I would have liked to see the show end with most of the main characters going back to their lives and taking the lessons learned on the island with them. I don’t like that most of them die on the island. But I’m clearly not a typical Lost fan. I can’t speak for those who liked most of the show and hated the ending.
He probably literally saved the world, he should really be talked about more