CPS are basically useless or power tripping with no in-between. They got called on my incubator 3 times with the first being for beating my adopted brother so hard with. 2x4 it broke his skull around his eye socket.
We were told we had a great mother and shouldn’t be such a hassle for her to deal with after being in the house for 5 minutes. The incubator said that she would make sure we died before any of us were taken away from her.
Adults are mostly people pretending to be or see what they want to feel good about themselves, and thinking they are justified in doing whatever they want because they have simply existed longer. Few even consider sonder, less their own chance of being the monster.
My family has some cops. My great uncle brags about robbing a house party cause he knew the kids wouldn’t be able to stand up to him and his buddies without parents while drunk.
My grandfather brags about drunk driving in his squad car and all the brown people he put under and how he would feed them to the crocs if he was able.
Both wife abusers.
To much sociopathy among people and not enough social shame.