Well, can’t speak for R6S, but OW most certainly decreased in quality after it went F2P. We pretty much stopped playing a few months later.
Well, can’t speak for R6S, but OW most certainly decreased in quality after it went F2P. We pretty much stopped playing a few months later.
Everything has to be perfectly sterile anyway, this is cell culture. Open tops STRs are not exactly a thing. It doesn’t have to be pharma grade, sure, but food safety is a thing and you’re not going to get a process certified without it. Main issue remains to be the cost of medium, serum-free or not.
I do wonder where you got that idea from, though. I don’t intend to be rude, but have you got any kind of experience in the field?
Why would I need an immune system in CM? This is food. It’s cells, generally on a scaffold, that look like either ground meat or a steak or whatever you want. If you mean vasculature: That is an issue if you want to print organs or large, intact tissue, less so for foodstuffs.
Cultured Meat. Without relying on any major breakthroughs, a price competitive with “traditional” meat is feasible with a few rather reasonable and conservative assumptions and developments. Dropping cows as meat source globally alone might be sufficient to slow down further climate change significantly.
Oh god, I had such weird issues with audio on my manjaro desktop with pulseaudio … Never touched anything related to sound on that system again, out of fear everything would break down again. I didn’t switch to pipewire until years later.
Whoever drew this was probably horny. And into red hair.
Not that I mind.
Out of pure ignorance: what is racist about that comment? I don’t understand, could you possibly explain it to me so I know better?