Make a reliable way to automate that, and you’ll make a lot of money.
Rely on doing it for yourself, and… well good luck with the mental health in a few years time.
Make a reliable way to automate that, and you’ll make a lot of money.
Rely on doing it for yourself, and… well good luck with the mental health in a few years time.
I’ve met my fair share of cockwombles in my time - the public-facing element of some of my jobs and roles have guaranteed that - but I’ve never met anyone truly evil.
I’ve met a dude who was more than pleasant, respectable background, good laugh… who later turned out to be peddling kiddie porn, and got caught a second time after being released from prison so yeah fuck that guy.
I’ve met the one of the nicest guys in the world - fit guy for his age in his late fifties, had a way of connecting with you in the first five minutes and leaving every conversation feel positive, and generally an all round cracking fella… only to get hit with cancer before he was 60. So no, I guess he absolutely did not deserve that.
Unfortunately, there’s more instances of people getting away with real shitty behaviour than there is of satisfying instances of karma biting them in the arse.
I’ve read through a few of your replies, and they generally contain a “so, …” and a generally inaccurate summary of what the conversation thread is about. I don’t know whether there’s a language barrier here or you’re being deliberately obtuse.
It would appear to be that your desire for a community without moderators is so strong, that a platform like Lemmy is not suitable for what you want, and as such you are likely not going to find the answer you want here and spend your time arguing against the flow.
Good luck finding what you’re looking for 👍