Is that real, or a misinterpretation of the law?
Is that real, or a misinterpretation of the law?
I meant to say SearXNG. Still being maintained.
I’ve tried SearXNG and stayed there. And it costs me a whole 0€ per month. 10€/month for a search engine is insane.
Wasn’t Google in the middle of an antitrust investigation?
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China does everything better than the US. iPhones are made in China.
For my Americans across the pond, I ask earnestly:
What could Russia do today that would cement themselves as an unparalleled oligarchy where just a few people control everything with no regard for anybody else in their country, that the US isn’t already doing?
Yep, this is the explanation. People are still trying to rationalize “why do this in months, its all gonna collapse!” not understanding that collapse is the actual point.
Have you tried talking to customer support? I hear they are quite responsive.
I 100% agree. Whenever these companies start with their own projects I immediately get suspicious that their goal is to enshittify down the line with vendor lock-in.
The only reasons why I’m seriously considering a Tuxedo are 1. European brand and 2. Double SSD.
Not a lot of laptops seem to be offering double SSD while being Linux compatible, so my hands are kinda tied.
I have a different view.
Have all governments move straight to FOSS federated platforms, so that the billionaire that caused this exodus (Musk) is eaten alive by other billionaires so that they learn that when they fk up, the entire billionaire class loses revenue. So they can experience some class infighting for once instead of laughing all the way to their pedo orgy islands.
If one billionaire’s F*ck up leads to another billionaire’s increase in fortune (Bluesky), then all you’re rewarding is them to keep doing what they do with their manufactured “competition” BS.
There’s no such thing as “target” and “non-target” billionaire, either. They all are targets so don’t let yourself get distracted.
Why? So the same thing can happen as with X? Jack Dorsey is yet another unhinged billionaire with problematic views of his own.
Federation is the only answer.
I understand your fears, I really do.
Its just… I don’t think we’re totally lost yet, thank God. I’m hoping people keep being somewhat aware that fascism is not the way, even if it’s being increasingly promoted on the internet.
Let us do our part as well. Keep boycotting the US, keep protesting against Israel and Russia in public. There is little else we can do, but these things are powerful on their own as long as we don’t lose momentum.
The other one is a manual labourer or simple job worker bubble - I see a lot more diversity there, many people falling for different kinds of propaganda, superstition, fearmongering. Some of those are already hardcore nazis, some of them are sympathizers in some ways.
That’s fine, I’m not gonna disagree with this, however I don’t see these people as a large, organized group that is bigger than the anti-Israel, anti-Russia status quo.
They usually get informations from the TV, newspapers and friends, partially online as well - mostly Facebook.
From TV, really? Maybe if you’re talking about Fox News… That sort of TV doesn’t exist in most European countries, Thankfully.
From the internet though yeah, i agree. But again, these aren’t apolitical people at that point, if they are getting so involved in political discussions like that.
I’m talking the West that had Mussolini hanged upside down out on the public square once fascism was put to practice. The same west that had Hitler and his peers put a bullet to their heads, once their ideology was implemented.
Yes, these ideologies were invented in the West, doesn’t mean we accept them wholeheartedly once they are implemented.
I think you’re also in a bubble though.
Which is why I’m talking about people who aren’t terminally online degenerates like us.
People who are largely apolitical, like my friends and family, none of them support Russia.
I even went to a few protests in front of the Russian embassy. Would you be surprised to know that there were exactly zero protests in Russia’s defense in my country?
I respectfully disagree. Cultural backgrounds also play a role and Russia and China have never known democracy.
Fascism in practice (not as a demented dream) is a harder sell in the West although we’re not immune to it and we should 100℅ remain vigilant and fight its grown at all costs.
But then how could they make ungodly amounts of money while looking down on the peasantry?
Do you think people are buying it, though?
I’ve never seen so much cynicism against all things controlled media as I see today.
Yikes. Thanks