You know I’m kinda surprised they even still bother with thinly-veiled queerphobia when being overt is trendy nowadays.
- Tabitha (ey/it) ΘΔ
We’re the Ribbon System, a therian plural system currently consisting of seven headmates.
Finn (fae/she) Tabitha (ey/it/them) Phoebe (it/its) Cass (xe/xem) Vire (vi/vim) Reese (he/him) Rachel (she/they)
You know I’m kinda surprised they even still bother with thinly-veiled queerphobia when being overt is trendy nowadays.
- Tabitha (ey/it) ΘΔ
https://morethanone.info/ is a great resource for learning about systems, in short it’s where multiple entities (or alters) with their own unique personalities share the body and mind (a headspace.)
-Cass (xe/xem)
A nudist/naturist sub would be really nice, been missing out on events lately so at least chatting about it would help shake the feeling of isolation.
Also, a space for plural systems would be super appreciated. We wouldn’t really know what to say in it but it’s really cool meeting other systems and learning about them.
-Finn (fae/she)
Listening to music, especially while drawing and getting to reflect on how much got done in-between every song. It’s one of the rare times we feel focused, even if only for minutes at a time. - Tabitha (ey/it)
Into the Breach for sure. Extremely satisfying strategy gameplay with a ton a variety with the different teams/units, heaps of replayability especially after the content update from a couple years back, and it being a run based game is great for folks who only get an hour or two to play on any given day.
- Tabi (ey/it)