They killed my favorite character. Who’s going to keep double crossing everyone now?
They killed my favorite character. Who’s going to keep double crossing everyone now?
Oof I dk. Stranded on a boat with random people could be dangerous. Maybe buy a small boat?
Well probably a genestealer cultist or a form of lesser unclean one.
Lol ever see Peter Jackson’s brain dead movie? Keep those plague rats away from the local monkey’s!
Just looked it up. Took place a year before covid, freaky.
Depends on zombie. If it’s not magical, how long would city water and power last without human attention? A human can only last so long without supplies and if there are, dense pops are going to be more dangerous than zombies trying to get them. Least in wild it’s more stacked in your favor.
1 month is a long time. Hope they don’t start doing yoga and free health care.
And Some aquatic variants in case it floods.
Depends on the zombie lore we are going with. Traditionally, yes but this could a rabies variation so they are hydrophobic. You don’t want the Office Uprising variant where they are still somewhat in control.
We going camping Boyz!
You only have 2 days before news finds out anyway. You can convince them somehow.
They had to make room for the triple redundant relays. Stupied star fleets specs!