You always develop games on PC. From there you create builds for PC and Consoles, but the console build step is not easily achievable. You need to go through a lot of hoops to get a game on console. Oh and you’ll spend a lot of money to get there.
And does it really make sense as a solo indie dev to release your game exclusively on one console?
Bottom line consoles intentionally don’t make it easy to publish to. PC is as easy as making an itchio account and uploading your games there.
Yes and I just wanted to point out that this isn’t a choice of the devs (most of the time) but rather consoles being a walled garden.
Because I think it’s unfair to say that you shouldn’t have empathy for PC gamers just because they have so many games already. Do the 100 indie games I can buy for <5€ really make up for the inability to play GTA6 or Death Stranding 2 (early)?
Console exclusivity always hurts the consumer and is, in my opinion, a legacy practice.