I’ve genuinely seen someone doing something similar.
A group of us went bowling for a friend’s birthday, about 25 years ago, and were having a great time. All of a sudden there was this really loud sort of crashing boom, so loud that everyone instinctively flinched, and we all looked around to see what the noise was.
A few lanes over was a group of young girls in their early teens, and one was standing at the line for her lane holding the bowling ball like a shot put. As she was launching the second ball, staff were running in from all directions to try to stop her.
If it makes you feel any better, I did something just as infuriating a few years ago.
I had set up my home media server, and had finally moved it to my garage with just a power cable and ethernet cable plugged in. Everything was working perfectly, but I needed to check something with the network settings. Being quite new to Linux, I used a remote desktop tool to log in and do everything through a gui.
I accidentally clicked the wrong item in the menu and disconnected the network. I only had a spare ps/2 keyboard and mouse, and as the server was an old computer, it would crash if I plugged a ps/2 device in while it was running*.
The remote desktop stayed open but frozen, mocking me for my obvious mistake and lack of planning, with the remote mouse icon stuck in place on the disconnect menu.
*I can’t remember if that was a ps/2 thing, or something specific to my server, but I didn’t want to risk it