Can you point out any factual inaccuracies or is it just that your wittew fee-fees got hurt?
Can you point out any factual inaccuracies or is it just that your wittew fee-fees got hurt?
We already have all the evidence. This isn’t some developing story, the paper is reproducible. What’s dehumanizing is assuming that Asians can’t make good software.
It’s time for you to do some serious self-reflection about the inherent biases you believe about Asians Chinese people.
I wouldn’t call it the accepted terminology at all. Just because some rich assholes try to will it into existence doesnt mean we have to accept it.
Why are we still printing articles that quote nothing but tweets as if it’s real reporting on real human opinions instead of a psyop bot farm?
Explain to me what you think torrenting a file does.
Aren’t AAC and m4a the same codec in different containers?
Butt stuff
If I ever need to block someone, this will be very useful.
the games are dope
gestures broadly at the latest Pokémon titles
And how do your feelings stand up to the fact that independent researchers find the paper to be reproducible?