Yeah there’s a huge difference between advertisements in free media vs advertisements in a car you almost certainly had to get a loan to purchase
Yeah there’s a huge difference between advertisements in free media vs advertisements in a car you almost certainly had to get a loan to purchase
And the best part is you probably have local anarchists who want to help you learn to maintain it
Yeah its one of my favorite movies
I don’t think we should be giving the cat uranium
So given your other comment, a lack of experience is normal here. Speaking as someone who has been on many sides of the ability to get laid spectrum from “nobody will ever fuck me” to regular group sex, to “both of my partners have been in long funks of not wanting sex and I’ve grown too picky for casual” the think you need to understand is that it’s not going to just happen, but trying too hard will ensure it doesn’t.
Go out, meet new people, dress nice for it, and be your most enjoyable to be around self, and start learning to flirt (it’s a skill and everyone starts terrible at it).
Odds are with some level of effort someone is willing to fuck you unless you throw off huge danger flags. Working on your personality, appearance, and social skills just make it so your odds go from largely the sort of people who’d fuck anyone to the sort of people who are more selective
Meanwhile I used to drive a 99 Chrysler 300m and I swear it was one of the best vehicles I’ve driven. It only died because as an idiot 19 year old I thought the engine temperature gage could wait a day because I had to move into college.
That said it was the last car Chrysler made worth shit