Really? You are willing to shag anybody for merely $200? Or, more probably, 4 people for 50$ each?
Don’t oversimplify this whole problem. It is, like almost all problems, not a black and white problem.
Really? You are willing to shag anybody for merely $200? Or, more probably, 4 people for 50$ each?
Don’t oversimplify this whole problem. It is, like almost all problems, not a black and white problem.
Well, I hope the data protection official of my school won’t find out. Oh wait, shit. He did find out. It’s me and idgaf.
That also is my experience.
I saved a lot of time due to ChatGPT. Need to sign up some of my pupils for a competition by uploading their data in a csv-File to some plattform? Just copy and paste their data into chsatgpt and prompt it to create the file. The boss (headmaster) wants some reasoning why I need some paid time for certain projects? Let ChatGPT do the reasoning. Need some exercises for one of my classes that doesn’t really come to grips with while-loops? let ChatGPT create those exercises (some smartasses will of course have ChatGPT then solve those exercises). The list goes on…
I agree. Lilienthal showed a proof of concept. The Wrights made it practical. As soon as aerodynamics was understood a bit better, there was enough lift, to move the whole elevator assembli to the back of the plane, but apart from that, the whole thing still is the most practical approach.
Oh, right. Somehow I only noticed the original post.
And Haber of Haber-Bosch fame also invented using poisonous gas as a weapon in WW1.
Nope. The Brits did that, in South Africa, iirc.
Germany actually did invent this. The brothers Wright only stuck an engine to it. The first glider that actually deserved its name was inveted by Otto Lilienthal. He died in it. Without his work, the Wright brothers would not have been able to build their plane.
Yes. New Mazdas use one as a range extender. It’s shitty.
No backup, no sympathy.
I didn’t find anything regarding that. I only found a fellow German who thought about shipping that stuff from Germany…
I wonder if it is feasible to book a trip to Canada or Mexico and just buy it there. I guess pharmacies accept prescriptions of 'Murican doctors there, if patients pay themselves…
Fahrenheit is such a nice system. 0 is really, really cold and 100 is really really hot. So 50 must just be perfect, right?
Way more intuitive then Celsius.
My MSCI World ETF shares lost about 4% in a day. yesterday. Does this have anything to do with this shitshow?
I always keep my PCs for about 8 years. Usually it is necessary to update the HDD/SSD and the GPU during that time, that is all. Mine will be 4 years old by the end of this year. I am now actively checking out 4TB SSDs in order to replace my current 1TB SSD.
This strategy may stop to work unfortunately. With the advent of ARM in desktop PCs, the PCs seem to become more monolithic. RAM and GPU not swappable, I think MACs don’t even allow you to plop in more RAM. I don’t like this development.