Imo I don’t memorize commands. Everything on my zsh is so aliased that I don’t think I can teach someone else how to use any other cli.
It just turned into me telling the machine what I want it to do and let it figure out how to rather than me do every little button click step.
So you’re right… To an extent… I usually say I’m making a new button when I’m figuring out an alias.
I guess a better way to express my point is that I’m not geared for interpreting graphics to tell what a button is supposed to do, nor am I cool with needing to press the same buttons in order multiple times.
On the CLI, all the buttons are named with (impo) meaningful names, and I can combine them into new just-as-accessable buttons whenever I want for free! It might align more with my working frustrations, I hate dragging my eyes over the same text/iconography every time I wanna do something, I want it to just ‘happen’. I need a user interface that can react to me faster than I can think and to achieve that I just limit my UI to exactly what I want and I keep it easy for me to expand as I need it.