Yah. Got it. Just remember what punk is. DIY. You can use anything. Just remember what D. Boon said. “Punk is whatever we say it is”. Only fools follow rules. Good luck.
Yah. Got it. Just remember what punk is. DIY. You can use anything. Just remember what D. Boon said. “Punk is whatever we say it is”. Only fools follow rules. Good luck.
Punk on a budget? I can’t tell if this is a joke. Every punk I’ve ever known buys or steals from thrift shops, military supplies, and dumpsters behind clothing stores. It was all out of rejection of social norms and creativity of discarded materials. Duct tape, paint, spray paint, stencils, cardboard, safety pins, chains, ropes, needle and thread are all cheap. Egg whites or Elmers for hair spikes.
Yep. We all learned years ago. Anything that needs an always on network to play an offline game is bs because sooner or later that network is not available.