Building my home server. I have all the parts but the sheer amount of different ways to set it up and all the things I need to learn to keep it safe. Especially now that all that (waves hand around) is happening, it’s so important I get on it. It kinda makes me want to cry. My brain isn’t as sharp now that menopause has hit, remembering things is really hard. Though my dr got me on a different regime of my adhd meds so hopefully that will help. Anyways, sorry for the ramble.
*I have looked at the self hosted and privacy communities, I think I’m going to go with Yunohost. It’s the internet part I’m worried about more.
Thank you for your response! That’s really good advice. I can hold off for a bit, Joplin is my main service that I’ll need to be able to reach, but can keep using Dropbox to sync for now.
One thing that I haven’t quite sorted is our todos. We use Todoist right now, and it’s really great, but would like something self hosted. I haven’t found anything that has both an iOS and android app though, except Nextcloud. Any suggestions? I was contemplating just using Nextcloud to start to keep things simple, and then adding different services later, but Yunohost seems like a better solution.