Clearly they have ghosts in their blood and they should probably do cocaine about it.
Clearly they have ghosts in their blood and they should probably do cocaine about it.
I would forego food to make sure my kids had glasses or contacts, sure.
I would not forego food so they could have elective surgery.
In the draft, Maximus is sent to Earth and tasked with stopping the momentum of Christianity by killing Jesus Christ and his disciples, as their movement was gradually siphoning off the power and vitality of the ancient Pagan gods. During his tasked mission, Maximus is tricked into murdering his own son. Cursed to live forever, Cave’s script included Maximus fighting amongst the Crusades, WWII, and the Vietnam War; with the ending revealing that in the modern-day time period, the character now works at The Pentagon. The script was ultimately rejected and scrapped.
Just a reminder of what this movie might have been. I do want some of whatever Nick Cave was smoking when he came up with it though.
Has that always been the case, or did they just start going downhill somewhat recently? I feel like I remember Seagate being the higher end drives back in the day, the next step up from WD. Definitely doesn’t seem to be the case anymore.