nobara is more focused on gaming and includes patches and software to play games without having to tinker a lot. you could use any distro but some games might have performance issues or require additional settings and configuration. nobara gets rid of maintaining that yourself, you might still have to tinker with a few things like launch options but not as in depth as other distros.
another popular distro is bazzite which does similar things, though i feel that’s a bit more advanced to understand some concepts.
if your curious about switching i would recommend, if you can, to install a second hdd (can be cheap/small) and try one or both of them for a week to see what it’s like and how well your games run. also if you don’t like how one looks you can also try different desktop implementations. coming from windows, KDE will feel very familiar.
my work we had test, stage and prod. test was very unstable as every merge auto deployed, so stage was semi stable where you would push changes you verified in test. then one day they decided to remove the stage environment. we have no data in test, other teams never passed data there, so we setup a semi production environment that has data and cost 10x as much. now they want to setup a stage environment to save costs but they don’t want to call it stage because that was bad and was too expensive. so they came up with a new name and are making everyone update to push data there. honestly i can’t take watching these people be praised for their innovation and promoted to make more of these shit decisions. the world’s gone mad and the madder you are the more you’re rewarded.