I named one of our dumber work projects ‘project seppeku’ once. Boss was not amused when someone told him what it meant, but it went undiscovered for longer than I would have imagined, which simultaneosly made me happy and hurt my feelings.
I named one of our dumber work projects ‘project seppeku’ once. Boss was not amused when someone told him what it meant, but it went undiscovered for longer than I would have imagined, which simultaneosly made me happy and hurt my feelings.
like serial killer trophies. They just cant help themselves.
Had my Spanish brother in law over for the holidays. He says spanish schools teach that the spaniards were trying to civilize the natives and bring them a better life. And sure, some things went wrong, but that columbus should be seen as a hero. He strongly beleives it. I was floored. I thought that stuff was pretty settled. I showed him some info on the genocide of Hispanola, and he said he’d never seen that before, but that we cant judge what happened back then by todays standrads, and that the word genocide hadnt even been invented back then, and that method of conflict was normal back then.
Designated Douchebag
Dumbass Dingeberry
Disappointing Dipshit