1 day ago-Fediread? And we could distinguish the others aspects of the fediverse servers: -Fediblog : Mastodon, Pleroma, etc. -Fediphoto: Pixelfed -Fedivideo: Peertube
-Fediread? And we could distinguish the others aspects of the fediverse servers: -Fediblog : Mastodon, Pleroma, etc. -Fediphoto: Pixelfed -Fedivideo: Peertube
Because that’s not about privacy, that’s about the trade war. Retaliatory tariffs on US cars increase cost of cars for Canadians, as there are almost no car assembled in Canada. Reducing or eliminating tariffs on cars from China would lower cost of new cars for Canadians while keeping the tariffs up.
For privacy and security, not a single new car on the market is decent right now. That should be regulated, but that’s no concern for any politician at the moment.