Translation: I don’t care about having a good car or having a strong moral framework or ethical stance.
Translation: I don’t care about having a good car or having a strong moral framework or ethical stance.
Caveat: other than the original Roadster, I’ve never considered Teslas good cars. The Cybertruck might be the dumbest vehicle made in the last 40 years. SO, on to MY hot take.
I’ve spent years and years restoring a 1973 Porsche 914 from a bucket to a beautiful driving machine. Blood, sweat, tears, and money. Hard earned money and my own blood, my own sweat, and my own tears.
It’s unbelievably pretty now. It looks expensive. It drives like a bat out of hell on rails. It’s everything I strived for.
If someone vandalized it, it would be pike gouging at my heart. Writing words in any dust in it would scratch the paint.
With that out of the way, I’d still laugh if I saw a vandalized Swasticar.
Yes. It’s like $9 for a perpetual release. I used Amuse.io before, but they suck you in and hit you with fake fees after you’re on their service.
I release music. I use a low cost platform for distribution. There are free ones. I understand your position because I feel similarly.
I never expect to make money or get recognized, but I think my music is good enough to share. To do that, you need a distributor and to be on the major platforms.
Look into Soundrop. You can also put your stuff on bandcamp for free, but at least get it out as widely as you can.
It can scratch paint. Not sure about the cybertruck finish.