Try using OBS for the screen capture, it should work with hardware acceleration on. Install on yr existing windows system.
If not try downloading a linux mint iso and burning that to a usb (instructions on the mint homepage). It’s a “live” boot you can just boot off it and try without installing. I’m fairly sure you can boot it, install OBS on it and then test a screen capture (ie open a browser, start prime, open obs and start a screen capture). Be aware you’ve made a bottleneck on the USB (slow throughput compared to ssd) so you won’t go long before it chokes through not being able to write fast enough. Proof of concept.
However if it works then look at installing a dual boot mint next to windows a full install will use the hard drive and not bottleneck
Basically, it’s free and it won’t break anything to try the live disk. If it works it’ll be a lot cheaper than buying a whole extra Mac
Try using OBS for the screen capture, it should work with hardware acceleration on. Install on yr existing windows system.
If not try downloading a linux mint iso and burning that to a usb (instructions on the mint homepage). It’s a “live” boot you can just boot off it and try without installing. I’m fairly sure you can boot it, install OBS on it and then test a screen capture (ie open a browser, start prime, open obs and start a screen capture). Be aware you’ve made a bottleneck on the USB (slow throughput compared to ssd) so you won’t go long before it chokes through not being able to write fast enough. Proof of concept.
However if it works then look at installing a dual boot mint next to windows a full install will use the hard drive and not bottleneck
Basically, it’s free and it won’t break anything to try the live disk. If it works it’ll be a lot cheaper than buying a whole extra Mac