The only game that did the difficulty right was doom eternal
The only game that did the difficulty right was doom eternal
ITT: a collective beating up of the OP.
btw, OP, I pirated like half a terabyte of FLACs (and when not available mp3s) back in my days. And also never heard of this term. Sounds like you’re just a bad pirate.
You can always, always, plan things in a way that you’re an hour ahead of schedule. And you’ll be on time. Or like 30 min too early.
It’s your struggle and you can deal with it in a way that’s costly to you or to everyone around you.
And the trend this days seems to completely utterly ignore your symptoms, develop zero coping mechanisms, and then rant on lemmy about the cruel society.
yeah, but “I have ADHD, so I’ll never be on time” is a very shitty excuse. You waste other people’s time.
“I have ADHD, so I hate queuing, so I’m not going with you to that famous museum” is boundaries.
don’t confuse boundaries with expecting everyone around you to put up with your symptoms all the time.
from a different reply I understood the meaning of the last two words: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byford_Dolphin