If it bruises blue, cut off a very thin slice from the center of the stalk and put it on agar until it creates mycellium. There’s some other stuff you need after that which I’ll be happy to help you with.
If it bruises blue, cut off a very thin slice from the center of the stalk and put it on agar until it creates mycellium. There’s some other stuff you need after that which I’ll be happy to help you with.
Time to post nonstop gore photographs then. Nobody can tell me not to.
Not really interested in seeing incel shit on here even if it’s self-deprecating.
Sorry, yes Elon Musk is the reason Twitter is shitting itself to death, but that doesn’t make Elon the main person responsible for Naomi’s problems. It’s probably not even top 10. It’s weird to call him out in this.
[Camera fade in on a full-body shot of me standing in my kitchen, my hands tented smartly in front of me.]
Hi everyone, welcome back to my food channel. You don’t want to cook a full balanced meal every night, sometimes you just want something quick! So today I wanted to show everyone my go-to lazy meal.
[I rip open a bag of semi-sweet chocolate chips with my teeth and just start pouring them vertically into my mouth. Many of the chocolate chips do not go into my mouth, they just fall straight down, bouncing off the floor and out of frame. Some get caught in the folds of my clothing, occasionally rolling off onto the floor and bouncing out of frame. Most unsettling are the ones that fall into my mouth and then are carried out again by their own chaotic momentum, covered in microscopic flecks of my saliva, sticking to my shirt or splattering on the floor.]
[This continues for much longer than you’d think, as I empty the entire 1-pound bag without stopping.]
[I release the empty plastic bag, which drifts to the floor. The camera zooms in on my eyes, where tears are just starting to be visible. Fade out.]
They don’t care. At the moment AI is cheap for them (because some other investor is paying for it). As long as they believe AI reduces their operating costs*, and as long as they’re convinced every other company will follow suit, it doesn’t matter if consumers like it less. Modern history is a long string of companies making things worse and selling them to us anyway because there’s no alternatives. Because every competitor is doing it, too, except the ones that are prohibitively expensive.
[*] Lol, it doesn’t do that either