I was going to write that every function should be a service as sarcasm, then I realized that’s exactly what this article is proposing. Now I’m not even sure how to make a more ridiculous proposal than this.
Yeah, I had been willing to give the author the benefit of the doubt that this was all part of a big joke, until I saw that the rest of their blog postings are also just like this one.
Why would your whole function be 1 service? That is bad for scalability! Your code is bad and the function will fail 50% of the time half way through anyway. By splitting up the your function in different services, you can scale the first half without having to scale the second half.
I was going to write that every function should be a service as sarcasm, then I realized that’s exactly what this article is proposing. Now I’m not even sure how to make a more ridiculous proposal than this.
IaaS Instructions as a Service
Want to know if a value is odd? Boy have we got the API for you!
It’s probably AI-supported slop.
Yeah, I had been willing to give the author the benefit of the doubt that this was all part of a big joke, until I saw that the rest of their blog postings are also just like this one.
Ah, you’re right
Why would your whole function be 1 service? That is bad for scalability! Your code is bad and the function will fail 50% of the time half way through anyway. By splitting up the your function in different services, you can scale the first half without having to scale the second half.