I was gonna make the same joke, but then I finished reading the article:
And in 2019, former Louisiana State University football player Matt Branch publicly discussed how his black labrador retriever stepped on a hunting shotgun that had been placed in the back of a utility terrain vehicle on a hunting trip in Mississippi.
Oh, great. Another idiot going on about pit bulls. It’s not the breed, it’s the owner. Any dog can shoot you if you don’t take it to the range and teach it basic gun safety.
I can confirm. As a person who had a chihuahua for 11 beautiful years, he yearned for the most violent death of any and all that displeased him, which was anything bigger than him.
Hey, pit bulls are big huggabugs when they’re not raised by assholes. A pit bull with proper weapons training would never have had poor trigger discipline.
I’m not saying put bulls are the most dangerous breed, but when was the last time you heard of a retriever or a lab shooting someone?
I was gonna make the same joke, but then I finished reading the article:
Damm, hoisted by my own petard.
That’s why I always keep my petard pointing away from me.
The only thing that can hoist your own petard…
Oh, great. Another idiot going on about pit bulls. It’s not the breed, it’s the owner. Any dog can shoot you if you don’t take it to the range and teach it basic gun safety.
I don’t want to defend pitbulls, but a chihuahua with a small kalachnikov would be deadly as well.
I can confirm. As a person who had a chihuahua for 11 beautiful years, he yearned for the most violent death of any and all that displeased him, which was anything bigger than him.
I forgot Siamese cats too. If you’re the owner, they love you. If you’re a stranger, they’ll rip your head off.
The anger of 10,000 men
Hey, pit bulls are big huggabugs when they’re not raised by assholes. A pit bull with proper weapons training would never have had poor trigger discipline.
Air Bud 7