- Removed posters comments
- Banned posters from community
Mod log
- Original comment that was deleted with reason of “Tankie apologia”.
- When another user comments has suspicions of mods actions, Mod replies with this.
- Poster replies in exasperation explaining perspective, rationale, and offline experiences. Comment gets deleted and purged.
The original comment I made was stating that alienation of someone by frustrating their political beliefs is not a way to convince them of anything.
That being their genuine friend goes a long way in helping someone rather then attacking them.
That together they both can work together for a better future.
That you can be annoyed, but that should be swallowed because that is what it means to be part of a community.
You will always be annoyed one way or another in a community, that is the beauty of a community, that there are different people that may annoy you slightly, but working together to still be a community.
The moderator disagrees with this, viewing it as “tankie apologia”.
When I replied, explaining why I made my post and my background, My post was removed and I was banned from the community.
Thank you for reminding me on this missing context:
In my reply post, I wrote that “advocating for war on any country is not political flavoring”.
That cannot be swallowed, and one should not befriend such a person without sufficient care for ones own wellbeing.
I had wrote explicitly thinking of people who suport Russia against Ukraine, Israel over Palestine, and Assadists etc.
My purged comment also states that “people seeking to punish / attack LGBTQIA+ people is not political flavoring”.
I whole heartingly believe trans rights are human rights.
Free HRT and gender affirming care for all!
To remove an otherwise popular comment advocating for support what I feel are healthy behaviors, then name call someone as a “authoritarian” and a “tankie apologist” is disingenuous and corrupt to me.
Personally I would like my comments restored so at least others see a different way of looking at things. I have no qualms with remaining banned.
Perhaps I should have not commented in reply to the mod, but they had already removed my post and I had little to lose.
Otherwise, I am very tired of this on the internet, I am tired of tribalism and the lack of empathy in this world.
What do you all think, should I have even made my original comment if I already knew it would be fruitless?
Punching left is a mandatory requirement for being on 196. If you don’t want to infight and purity test, you won’t be welcome there. They’re basically full on McCarthyists, peak Anarcho-Natoism rivaled only by NCD.
The tankie mind cannot comprehend the authoritarian axis of the political compass or why people on the opposite end of it hate them.
Or more likely they do, and just like to pretend.
Tell me the most theory you’ve ever read is a political compass meme without telling me.
Immediately likening the political compass to PCM sounds like a you problem.
It’s not perfect but it’s infinitely more accurate than boiling stances down to “left” and “right.” Which I assume is the goal so you can paint any criticism of tankies as “leftist infighting.” It isn’t. Go be a tankie somewhere else.
Sorry, I’m not familiar with that acronym, what does “PCM” stand for?
No it isn’t. It was invented by right-wing libertarians to promote their ideology. For the record, I test in the bottom left quadrant, like a -9 on the authoritarian-libertarian scale, like any other normal person.
It’s complete nonsense and views politics through a purely idealist lens, ignoring materialist analysis. “Right libertarianism” doesn’t exist, because capitalists will just seize power and create/take over the state to pursue their own interests. “Left-libertarians” are either armchair idealists or aspiring martyrs.
In a world where people like Mohammad Mossadegh and Jacobo Arbenz didn’t get couped, I’d be happy to be a “left-libertarian.” In fact, I was before studying examples like those. But I’m sure you have no idea who those people are since your politics come from memes.
Claiming to not be authoritarian while also accepting the tankie label is a bold strategy.
I didn’t say that. Everyone gets libertarian on the political compass test unless they just randomly hate gay people. Stating that I get Libertarian on the political compass test is not some claim to being Libertarian. Every single “tankie” or Marxist-Leninist I know tests Libertarian, because it’s a very stupid test for a very stupid model.
Libertarian vs authoritarian is not a useful dimension for understanding politics. Like everyone else, I’m a “libertarian” while I’m out of power and an “authoritarian” while in power, the only difference is that I’m honest enough to admit it.
“Authoritarian” just means the government doing stuff you don’t like. And the average anti-tankie “leftist” doesn’t like any leftist project that doesn’t immediately deliver a perfect utopia - happily accepting the capitalist status quo as a “lesser evil” over trying to improve society somewhat.
“I’m only an authoritarian when I’m in power”
Yeah, that’s why I’m not going to ally with you to help you get power, genius.
And again, you’re not denying the tankie label. I assume you know the etymology of the phrase if you’re as well read as you pretend to be, so sincerely, fuck you.
So you’ll get a different “authoritarian,” an authoritarian who serves the bourgeoisie. Or, you somehow manage to get a “libertarian” in power, and then they lose power to an authoritarian who serves the bourgeoisie, like what happens every time it’s been tried.
(The Jakarta Method)
To prove me wrong, point to any historical “libertarian” leftist project that you consider successful.
Oh really? Does it? That’s a convenient definition.
If you think Russia is heading in the direction of less authoritarianism and more communism then I hate to break it to you, but the exact opposite is happening. It failed to deliver an immediate utopia. It failed to deliver a medium-term utopia. And it seems like in the long run this war will result in a complete collapse of the Russian economy. But I’m sure they’ll get there one of these days.
I think what the average anti-tankie leftist doesn’t like is the idea that we should replace one bunch of power hungry authoritarians with another bunch of power hungry authoritarians flying a different flag, but doing more or less the same shit.
Then provide your own.
I’m not sure what gave you the impression that I think this. I’m quite sure that I’ve never said anything that suggests that would be the case.
I support direct action, unionization, and revolution, I just don’t also support states that suppress unions, like you do. Improving society somewhat doesn’t look like implementing a military dictatorship.
You can’t support hierarchical dictatorships that take away the rights of workers and call yourself a communist, leftist, etc. etc. You are an authoritarian even now with no power.
so you support every revolution except for the successful ones?
life is not a map painting game
Two questions:
Were Marx and Engles communists?
Have you read “On Authority” by Engles?
We banned this user a long time ago for being a very obvious tankie
And proud of it! Of course, after you ban people like me, then people more moderate than me will be labelled tankie and banned, and so on. It’s just your version of “woke” or “pinko.” Better to reclaim the word than to deny it and play into your red scare bullshit.
Ooooo 👻 I’m also proudly “woke” too ooooo 👻 the horror
You might as well ignore it, or love the word instead, cause you ain’t been doing nothing if you ain’t been called a Red
Most of Lemmy is “woke” and fine with it. Nobody cares that you are a communist. We only care that you defend murderous dictators like Putin, and for example, think it’s fine for the Russians to abduct Ukrainian children rather than returning them to their families. That’s the sort of issue folks have with tankies. But keep feeling oppressed because you are communist, by all means.
I’m aware, you use a different lexicon to punch left. Tankie means the same thing as “woke,” it just means anyone to the left of whoever’s speaking,
If you say so.
It’s perfectly possible to hate tankies while at the same time seeing the potential benefits of socialism or communism. Most people don’t hate tankies because they are communist, its mostly because they are insufferable propagandists who leap to defend every tin pot dictatorship that happens to be fighting against US interests.
Right, you can support the idea of socialism just so long as it stays just that, an idea, untainted by contact with reality. The moment anyone tries to implement anything, one of two things happens: they take reality into account and survive, and then get denounced as a “tin pot dictator,” or they don’t, and they get overthrown or assassinated and you can imagine that they would’ve been perfect if only they’d survived and uphold them as a martyr. As a result, anti-tankies generally can’t point to any leftist project they consider even moderately successful, which raises the question of why on earth they even want to be associated with leftism in the first place, let alone how they can possibly expect to convince others to get on board.
It’s fun seeing the mod immediately prove the point while also not addressing any of the issues you bring up.
I felt their comment is obviously not true? Have you seen objections modlog ? Anyways, I am trans, a socialist, I am in favor of everyone having access to HRT. I don’t like NCD or nato. I am not afraid of the woke, I am the woke.
so you support the youth clinic providing HRT to trans Chinese teens?
While western countries are restricting youth access to HRT, China is establishing a clinic dedicated to increasing youth access.
What about the widespread love of Jin Xing? There are many Trans Chinese legal victories and it is true that there is more progress to be made. One such legal victory is discussed in this documentary of Trans Chinese people:
Prescribed HRT is generally difficult to get in china per what I’ve read in my time in the DIY community, but if this is wrong then good. How available HRT is varies by country in the west and the rest of the world. Germany, austria and one other country (which I can’t remember) recently made it clear that they will embrace HRT for youth and criticized the cass report. Norway, where I live, isn’t great at prescribing HRT but they are currently expanding the infrastructure needed to diagnose and prescribe HRT. Things have improved a lot compared to how things were years ago. There are clearly issues still of course. It’s not a problem free system. Fuck riksen (a transmed hospital).
I don’t run around thinking that everything going on in china is bad. I know some of the stuff we hear is overblown, but I know they are also doing some vile shit much like many western countries.
Also, unions are severely suppressed in china. Do you want to address that? They are a state capitalist nation. My issue is with blindly celebrating everything going on there, not with anything they are doing right like embracing green energy.
There’s also the current genocide they are committing, but I suppose you don’t believe that is actually happening, or that what the US and isreal are doing somehow makes what china is doing okay.
oh how nice to be born in a country that has made so much from oil and gas why have they not used this money to be anywhere near China’s green energy infrastructure investments?
union representation could be improved i agree
when was the last time a union followed through on punishing a millionaire/billionaire
what westen nation, recent union action has resulted in a state-level policy change? The structure of the CPC enables direct democracy and the ability for anyone to affect state level policy change.
The reeducation facilities have been closed for years, the birthrate in Xinjiang has increased and is comparable to the average, and the economy there is growing
Do you have any photo/video evidence of the current genocide?
Taiwan numba one
I understand the part of “punching left” and “purity test”.
But what do you mean by “NCD”?
NCD is !
Thank you. The banner tells all. 😐
“NonCredibleDefense.” It’s a community for ironically-but-actually-unironically celebrating the military-industrial complex, the brainworms are absolutely bizarre and I blocked it long ago.
They want to be edgey but at the end of the day they are bootlickers
Thank you for explaining!