That looks like a fine haircut.
This is not nearly as bad as the broccoli fuck boys although this definitely was the hairstyle of the future fuck boys I was in elementary school with back in the day.
That haircut is fine. The broccoli cut and the school shooter bowl cut are not.
Why are we hating on things people like again? It doesn’t look bad. You all are aging like that dude who “chose poorly”
The problem with every trendy teenager haircut is that everyone that’s not a teenager themselves will associate the hair cut with douchy teenagers, thus ruining it. The issue is never the haircut itself but the associations with it’
walter white wtf are you talking about meme
I hated that hairstyle when I was a kid too lol.
I’m just glad curly hair is back in the sliding “good hair” window. Every couple generations folks seem to go on a straightening craze, and it’s so much more dull and conservative looking.
Cuts kinda like that are cyclical.
I made fun of y’all for that too back then. With your damn yogurt colored short shorts and swordfish belts, with the Vineyard Vines shirt and sperry’s topsiders and that exact haircut, that uniform was always terrible.
Not me. Fierce flowing all the way from birth and having absolutely zero regrets. Damn I was drowning in pussy in my teenage years and didn’t even realize it back then. So… suck it, dumbass kids with your dumb little haircuts!
I’ve never had hair like that, but the pic seems like a pretty normal haircut I’ve seen from mid-90s through to now
It’s basically just a crew cut…AKA one of the most popular short haircuts of all time!
Yeah but the signature of this was the propped up “wave” in the front, I remember that being huge through elementary and middle school in the 90s
Isn’t that a Caesar? It’s combed forward which makes all the difference.
The early 90’s mushroom haircut trend was worse by far
Once the butt cut was peak hair.
Is that five different people?
I hate to sound racist against (other) white people, but I genuinely can’t tell the difference between these 5. I bet they can’t dance and like mayonnaise as well…
Oh hi Denny
It’s back bay-bee!
I’m just waiting for the other early 2000s hair trends to come back. Frosted tips, insane amounts of gel to spike it up, maybe some pukka shell necklaces? Maybe some Hawaiian shirts? Maybe those big ball chains? Converse? Just bring back third wave ska?
Absolutely bring back the ska! Tbf, it never really went away, just not in the mainstream anymore.
Tbf, it never really went away, just not in the mainstream anymore.
You can say that about most things people want to bring back.
I’d like to see 50-60 year olds doing up their hair like the Static-X guy.
Fuck yeah static-generation-x
I would argue Converse is pretty timeless
Yeah that one doesn’t fit. Kids have continued buying chucks straight up to modern day. Only difference is the soles appear to have gotten chunkier.
Well given that broccoli hair is just another word for the perms from the 80s, just give it 20 years and it’ll be back in again. You could even be ahead of the curve, just give it some new name, christmas cake hair for example if it’s all about frosted tips, and start wearing it in 15 years time. You’ll become famous for “starting” a “new” trend!
This picture may represent humanity at its peak.
This was the time when rock stars wore heavy makeup, painted their nails, had long lucious curly hair wore pants that cut off circulation
Nobody said they were “gay” or “trans”, they were just rock and fucking roll and whatever they wanted
I’m sorry but this is erasure of the very real homophobia these glam metal bands experienced as part of later backlash.
And the guys in Skid Row tell of going out in public in the late eighties with “their hair stacked to the sky” and fighting with rednecks who called them removeds (Konow 296). While I never had to duke it out with anyone because of my long hair (the extent of my glam look), I did have similar experiences in the real world. Once, when with my mom at Huntington House, a now-defunct furniture store, a female sales clerk came up behind us and asked, “Can I help you ladies?” And on another occasion, when looking at clothes at Joslins in the Westminster Mall, a woman approached me from behind while remarking, “What do we have here? A lady looking at men’s pants!”
Glam Metal and Its Requisite Gender-Bending: Celebrated Until They Suddenly Weren’t | by Ron Baxendale II | Medium -
If that’s the extent of the “bad” they got, then I’d say you’re wrong.
I hear it’s better to burn out than to fade away. I think that’s the anthem of 2025 America.
Denim pants, shirts, jackets… jfc they had it figured out
“What do ya waaaant?”
Objectively glorious.
culture peaked
The Era of Aquanet.
Is this supposed to be a dig at guys with long hair? Guys with long hair are sexy. Not my fault you feel intimidated by their masculinity.
Lol. Not at all.
Imagine a haircut like this instead. It was all the rage in Brazil back in 2002:
Why would anyone do this
Flex on early balding people by leaving hair only where theirs does not grow.
Battery clipper runs out of juice at exactly the wrong time and you just lean into it.
It’s like the anti-mullet: trash in the front, nothing in the back.
is this because of Luiz Ronaldo or was he just part of the trend?
Yeah, that was Ronaldo’s haircut during the 2002 world cup